Monday, January 5, 2009

Problem No 6 - Parents want their children to be creative...

... and yet push them to study in a rote and regimented way for hours upon hours toward examination(s) that even the Education Ministry recognizes "fails to reflect their capabilities".

Xinhua News 6 March 2006

Malaysia considers overhauling exam-oriented educational system

Malaysian Education Minister Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said Sunday his ministry is looking for best ways to overhaul the heavily examination-oriented system functioning in schools. 

The Education Ministry has realized the current system in primary and secondary schools is impractical, burdensome to students and fails to reflect their capabilities, said Hishammuddin. 

"I don't deny the examination system is burdensome to teachers and students alike, That is why we want to come up with a new system," Hishammuddin said after opening a student course in the Pahang state. 

All parties and personnel involved, including scholars, have been urged to work hard to identify a more relevant approach which does not rely on an examination system so much, said the education minister. 

Hishammuddin made the remarks when asked by a student to comment on the current education system. About 21,000 matriculation students from different parts of Malaysia attended the opening ceremony.

Today our school-going teenagers start a new year.